Treasury Attachments

Tip: We're releasing updates in waves for different feature areas. Some of you will see the changes in Treasury immediately, and some will see these updates in other areas, such as Payables, in an upcoming wave.

Attachments are files such as images, PDFs, Word documents, and Excel spreadsheets you upload or link to from records.

From a record, select New under Attachments and attach a saved file or link to an online file. After you enter details and save, Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT automatically scans the file for viruses to protect you from downloading malicious content.

Note: While a file is scanning, you can’t interact with it, such as to edit the details or delete it. If Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT detects that a file is potentially malicious, it blocks the upload. We recommend you remove the file from your local machine and contact your administrator. You can also delete the attachment upload attempt from the record.

Tip: Attachments have a 100 MB file size limit. If you need to attach a file over 100 MB, we recommend you save it in a cloud storage account such as Dropbox or Google Drive and then attach the link.

To open, edit, or delete a saved attachment, select its name or icon from the list.