Dashboard Builder Security
From Dashboard builder, users can access dashboards and create and edit existing insights and dashboards. Under Security, admins can view and manage who can access, create, and edit content in Dashboard builder.

From Control Panel, select Security and Roles.
Under Analysis roles, select Edit role from the role's menu
Choose which tasks the role can perform.
To grant rights to view, but not edit all insights and dashboards, select View insights and dashboards.
To grant rights to view, add, edit, and delete dashboards, select Manage dashboards.
To grant rights to view, add, edit, and delete dashboards and insights, select Manage insights and dashboards.
The pre-configured options grant rights in a bundle to make it simpler to control access to dashboards and insights. To further customize access, select Show permissions and select the view, add/edit, and delete rights you want to grant to the role.
Select Save.
Tip: Be patient. It may take up to five minutes for security changes to take effect.
Tip: Admins! In the database view, you can set record-level security to further limit which information the group's members can access.