Update Field Labels and Descriptions

The label is the title of a field as it appears in the form. Labels help guide applicants and inform them what information they need to provide when completing forms.

Note: By default, labels will be set to the field name or default label when added to the form.

  1. Edit the form.

  2. In the Form Builder, hover over the field you want to update. Select Edit component from the options that appear.

  3. In the Configuration modal, update the text in the Label field in the Details tab.

    Note: If you don't want to show a label for this field, select the Hide label checkbox. When enabled, this hides both the label and description (if one is provided).

  4. Optional - Add details to the Description field that provide more context or specific instructions. This text is placed directly below the label on the form.

  5. Click Save to update the field component.

  6. Save your changes to the form.


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