Create Cash Funding Sources

Tip: Cash funding sources are used for standard cash donations.

Funding sources can be either cash or in-kind. When creating a new cash source, you will need to know the type of donations covered (cash), the total funds to be allocated, and the Payment Processor.

Note: Funding sources are always created in the client's default currency. This is to ensure there is a common currency for use in reports, dashboards, etc.

  1. Navigate to the Program Setup > Funding Sources area.

  2. Select the Create funding source button.

  3. Provide the following information in the Create Funding Source screen.

    1. Enter a name for the funding source.

    2. Select Cash in the Type field.

    3. Enter a cash value in the Total amount field. This value represents the total funds that will be available in this funding source.

      Tip: This amount can be updated after creating the source, if needed. Learn more.

    4. Specify who will be responsible for disbursing the funds in the Payment processor field.

      Note: The Payment Processor is the party (i.e., Client, Client and YourCause, YourCause) that is responsible for processing grant payments. The options shown will depend on the client's settings. Learn more.

  4. Select Save to add this source.