Import Budgets with Funding Sources in Bulk

Multiple budgets can be created by importing them from a spreadsheet. This process involves building a Budget Import File and uploading it into the system when complete.

Step 1 - Download Budget Import File template for specific funding sources

  1. Navigate to the Program Setup > Budgets area.

  2. Select the Create budget button followed by the Bulk import option.

  3. In the Create New Budgets screen, take the following actions.

    1. Select the funding sources that will be made available for these budgets.

      Tip: Multiple funding sources can be selected for a single import.

    2. Select the Download button to download a CSV file with the required columns and specified funding sources.

Step 2 - Complete the Budget Import File

  1. Provide the details for each budget in the CSV file, including:

    • Budget Name - This is required.

      Note: Budget names must be unique and cannot already be present in the system. A maximum of 50 characters is allowed.

    • Budget Description - This is required.

    • Funding Source Name - There will be one column for each source selected.

      Note: The value entered in each column should be the total amount (numeric value) allocated from that funding source.

      Tip: If a budget is being imported that doesn't use one or more of the funding sources listed, you can either leave that column empty or include a value of 0. The system will only associate budgets with the funding sources in the same row that have values greater than 0.

Step 3 - Upload Budget Import File Into GrantsConnect

  1. Return to the Create New Budgets screen and take the following actions.

    1. Select the funding sources in Step 1 that match those in the Budget Import File.

    2. Select the Select file button to find and select the completed CSV file to upload. The file will be automatically validated for proper formatting and required fields upon upload.

    3. Correct any errors that appear, including any stating the allocation exceeds available funds.

      Note: Errors will be listed on the screen and can be downloaded by selecting the Download errors button.

    4. If any changes were made, reupload the corrected file and verify the information before importing the items.

  2. Select the Import allocations button to finalize the import.

The new budgets with their allocated funding sources will be available in the Open Budgets tab.