Reply templates
Reply Templates allow you to provide your agents with templated responses to frequently asked questions, so that they can reply quickly and consistently to prospects.
Create a reply template
To create a Reply Template, go to Messages > Texting Templates > Reply Templates and select Add in the upper-right corner. From there, you'll be able to enter the following:
Template Name: This name displays both on the management side and on the agent side. This name helps you organize your templates, and helps Agents quickly find relevant templates.
Message Content: This is the portion of the template that will be inserted into the Agent's text message editor when they select the template.
Reply Templates are a great place to provide consistent responses for common questions about upcoming events, recent news about your organization, and more. Here are some examples of common reply templates you might provide to your agents:
Sample Reply Template #1
Template Name: Powell Student Center
Message Content: The new Powell Student Center is scheduled to open this Fall. The new facility will provide unique new study areas, places to eat, and meeting areas for both students and alumni.
Sample Reply Template #2
Template Name: Reunion - Class of XXXX
Message Content: The class of XXXX is holding their 50th year reunion on August 17th at Union Depot in St. Paul. More information about the reunion is available online at [link]
How Agents use Reply Templates
Agents can use reply templates when they are texting back and forth with prospects. They are able to search through both the Template Name and the Message Content to quickly find templates that may help them answer the prospect's question. Once they select a template, the message content is inserted into their text message editor, and they can modify the content before sending it to the prospect.