Exercise: Configure a Global Change
Let’s create a Global Change instance from a custom Global Change named Address Coordinate TimeZone Global Change (Custom).
You will need to configure and run an instance of the Address Geocode global change. That way our custom )Address Coordinate TimeZone (Custom) global change will have address coordinate records to process.
Step 1 - Navigate to the Adminitration functional area and select the Global changes task
Click the Global changes task within the Administration functional area. This opens the Global Changes page that is used to create and manage Global Changes. Remember that a Global Change definition is the template created using the SDK and Global Change instances are created from the definition.

Step 2 - Add a new global change instance by selecting a global change definition.
With the Global changes page open, select the Add action above the data list to add a new global change instance. The Select a global change definition dialog window appears.
From here, select the global change definition to use as the basis for your new global change instance. Select the Address Coordinate TImeZone (Custom) in the Constituent\Address folder.
Click the OK button. The Add global change dialog window appears.

Step 3 - Add the global change instance and supply parameter values
On the Add global changedialog window, provide a name, secure the global change by site, and provide parameter values. In the example below, I elected to process all "Donor" primary address records that contain a Geocode.

Click the Save button to add the global change instance. After you create an instance, it is saved in the GlobalChange table. For more information, see Global Change Tables. Unlike business processes that can be configured with multiple parameter sets, a global change can only be configured with a single set of parameter values.
Step 4 - Select and process the global change
After you save the global change instance, you return to Global Changes page.
Select your new global change in the data list and click the Process global change action.

After you click the Process global change button, the global change instance page appears. You will see that a process has started to process your global change.