Grant Permissions
Previous: Code the Processing Stored Procedure
Tip: If you are unfamiliar to CLR based features, see Grant Permission for CLR based Features.
Step 1 - Grant Execute, Select, Insert, and Update permissions to the global change
You need to ensure to explicitly grant EXECUTE permission to any stored procedures you wish to call within your code, like our USR_USP_ADDRESSCOORDINATETIMEZONE_GCPROCESS_UPDATE and USR_USP_TIMEZONEENTRY_GETBYNAME stored procedures.
You will also need to grant SELECT permission on tables and their columns, such as the ADDRESS, ADDRESSCOORDINATES, and our custom USR_ADDRESSCOORDINATETIMEZONE tables referenced within the USR_ADDRESSCOORDINATETIMEZONE() function.
Since our MERGE statement within the USR_USP_ADDRESSCOORDINATETIMEZONE_GCPROCESS_UPDATE stored procedure is INSERTing and UPATEing records within the USR_ADDRESSCOORDINATETIMEZONE table, we should probably grant the appropriate permissions for these operations, as well.
Using the highlighted XML elements below as a guide, add the following XML elements to your CLRGlobalChange XML element within the AddressCoordinateTimeZone.GlobalChange.xml spec file.
Step 2 - Complete and load the GlobalChangeSpec
Review the completed GlobalChangeSpec below and load into the database via LoadSpec.
Name="Address Coordinate TimeZone Global Change (Custom)"
Description="Adds time zone data to the constituent address coordinate record.
Depends on geocodes (latitude and longitude columns) values populated within AddressCoordinates table.
One way to populate GeoCodes is to run a 'Address Geocode' global change on the appropriate
constituent addresses prior to running 'Address Coordinate TimeZone Global Change (Custom)' global change.
See AddressCoordinates table."
Author="Technical Training"
DisplayName="Address Coordinate TimeZone (Custom)"
<!-- indicate the server-side catalog implementation that will be used to process the global change. This should refer to a class
that inherits AppCatalog.AppGlobalChangeProcess.
<CLRGlobalChange AssemblyName="Blackbaud.CustomFx.Address.Catalog"
<!-- describe fields on the parameter form, which correspond to public fields on the class. Note that system parameters
like the context @CHANGEAGENTID, @ASOF, @NUMBERADDED, @NUMBEREDITED, and @NUMBERDELETED need not be listed. -->
<common:FormField Caption="Selection" DataType="Guid"
Description="Constituent selection containing the geocoded addresses which should be timezoned."
<common:SearchList SearchListID="1F0E603C-1C55-4E1E-8218-BDB877B2CBE8" EnableQuickFind="true">
<common:FormFieldOverride FieldID="RECORDTYPE" DefaultValueText="Constituent" ReadOnly="true" />
<common:FormField Caption="Only process primary address geocodes"
Description="Determines whether to process all Geocodes for a constituent's
address or only the Geocodes for a constituent's primary address."
Caption="Only process new and changed address geocodes"
Description="Determines whether to process geocodes for addresses
that are unchanged since last being assigned a geocode."
<!-- indicate the client-side component for the user interface -->
<!--<common:FormUIComponent FormUIComponentType="CustomComponent">
Next: Deploy the Global Change