Web Dashboard
Use the web dashboard to create visual overviews of your data using charts, gauges, and other nifty widgets, and organize these views using pages and folders. The Web Dashboard presents information from your database in one consolidated location using dynamic tools such as lists, charts, gauges, and web content from external websites. Users customize the content, appearance, and layout of the parts and pages that make up the Web Dashboard site. Other users can view or manipulate parts for their own needs. For example, users can select the dates or records displayed in the part. Administrators can define permissions so only specified users have view or edit rights for the site, pages, and parts. Parts on the same page can be connected so they share data. Using a part’s embedded code and direct URL, you can embed the part in other web applications or use it with Microsoft Vista gadgets or Yahoo! widgets. Within the web page, you can place existing user-defined data lists and KPI Instances with no programming required.