Shell Elements Naming

The following shell elements should be "title cased" – typically each word is capitalized. (I say "title case" instead of "proper case" because you wouldn't capitalize "and," "to," etc.)

  • Page Headers

  • Page Tabs

  • Menus

  • Query Nodes

These elements should be "sentence-cased" – typically, only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized:

  • Section captions

  • Page action captions

  • Section action captions

  • Tooltips

  • Column headers

  • Task captions

  • Task descriptions

  • Task groups

Data list group headers (when the text doesn’t represent "data" – for example, "Two weeks ago")

Also, page and section actions should have captions (exceptions must be approved).

Task descriptions should be sentences, and thus end in a period.