Explore a Record Operation Spec (SP)
Video: Watch how to create a delete Record Operation (SP) or an update Record Operation (SP).
Let's view a typical Record Operation Spec that comes with the Widget Catalog project as part of the SDK. The figure below displays a sample record operation named WidgetDelete.RecordOperation.XML that you can find in the samples section of the SDK. If the SDK is installed, then review the WidgetDelete.RecordOperation.XML file within the ..\SDK\Samples\Widget.Catalog folder. The SDK is typically installed in the same directory that is used by the Infinity Web/Application server. For example, if I install my Infinity web server at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\BBInfinity, then the SDK Widget catalog samples are located at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\BBInfinity\SDK\Samples\Widget.Catalog.