BBMetalWeb generates strongly typed wrapper classes based on specs in the Infinity platform. Since these classes use the Infinity web service, they can be used by a .NET application that has access to the web service. BBMetalWeb can only use the specs in the platform and cannot access a database table directly. But if existing specs do not meet your needs, you can create a new spec with the Infinity SDK, load the spec, and generate strongly typed wrapper classes for the spec with BBMetalWeb.
BBMetalWeb generates all code files that the supplied "targetpath" needs. To use these files, add them to a .NET project and reference Blackbaud.AppFx.WebApi, Blackbaud.AppFx.XmlTypes, and Blackbaud.AppFx.XmlTypes.XmlSerializers. These assemblies are a part of the Infinity SDK. For more information about how to add these references, see Add Infinity Web API References. After that you can work with the generated classes
The command line usage is:
bbmetalweb.exe /WSURI=<servername> /DB=<DB> /TARGETPATH=<Path> [OPTIONS]
bbmetalweb.exe /WSURI=<servername> /DB=<DB> /TARGETPATH=<Path> /INPUTROLENAME=<s
ystem role name> [OPTIONS]
bbmetalweb.exe /WSURI=<servername> /DB=<DB> /TARGETPATH=<Path> /CATALOGPATH=<fol
der containing catalog assemblies> [/SINGLECATALOG=<single assembly name (no ext
ension) to process>] /BUILDLOCATION=<path to use for the vbproj build output> [O
bbmetalweb.exe /WSURI=<servername> /DB=<DB> /TARGETPATH=<Path> [OPTIONS]
where /SPECTYPE = a member of the Blackbaud.AppFx.XmlTypes.CatalogItemType enum
For more information about the arguments for bbmetalweb.exe, see BBMetalWeb Arguments and Options.