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Code Table Example: AppFxWebService (Java)
The entire code sample can be found here:
Note: This ZIP does not include the generated classes necessary to run the main project. You must generate those classes. But there is a modified WSDL, and the client architecture is established. Also, authentication code is not included in this sample project. For more information, see Create a Client with JAX-WS and Authentication and Authorization.
Step 1 - Create a Java application project with a JAX-WS client for AppFxWebService.
This is described in Create a Client with JAX-WS.
Step 2 - Add a JFrame to the application.
For example, in NetBeans, right-click the project and click New > JFrame. You may have to navigate through New > Other. Then enter a name, select the package, and click Finish.
Step 3 - Add a jLabel and jComboBox to the JFrame.
Rename the jLabel and jComboBox appropriately.
Add text to the label. In this case, the combo box will support selecting an Address Type.
Step 4 - Instantiate the JFrame from the main method.
public static void main(String[] args) {
CodeTableExampleJFrame mainScreen = new CodeTableExampleJFrame();
Step 5 - Find the endpoint operation to get the list of entries in the Address Type code table.
Use the Endpoint Reference to find the endpoint operation that gets a list of entries for a given code table.
Step 6 - Find the feature identifier to supply to the endpoint operation.
Note: For a discussion about feature metadata, see Feature Metadata.
Browse to Administration > Application > Features.
Click Code table search.
Search for the Address Type code table.
Select the result. The page that describes the code table appears.
- Copy the Database table name: ADDRESSTYPECODE.
Step 7 - Create the request and reply.
In the JFrame class variable declarations, add a request and reply to get the list of entries in the code table. The request and reply objects reflect the name of the endpoint operation: CodeTableEntryGetListRequest and CodeTableEntryGetListReply. In this example, the generated classes are referenced through import. Also, the generated classes have not been copied as in other examples.
package codetableexamplejavaappfxwebservice; import _1.api.webservice.appfx.blackbaud.AppFxWebService; import _1.api.webservice.appfx.blackbaud.ClientAppInfoHeader; import _1.api.webservice.appfx.blackbaud.CodeTableEntryGetListReply; import _1.api.webservice.appfx.blackbaud.CodeTableEntryGetListRequest; public class CodeTableExampleJFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame { AppFxWebService _appFxWebService = new AppFxWebService(); ClientAppInfoHeader _clientAppInfoHeader = new ClientAppInfoHeader(); CodeTableEntryGetListRequest req = new CodeTableEntryGetListRequest(); CodeTableEntryGetListReply reply = new CodeTableEntryGetListReply();
To CodeTableName for the request, assign ADDRESSTYPECODE, which is the database table name you retrieved from the shell.
public CodeTableExampleJFrame() { initComponents(); _clientAppInfoHeader.setREDatabaseToUse("BBInfinity"); req.setCodeTableName("ADDRESSTYPECODE"); req.setClientAppInfo(_clientAppInfoHeader); reply = _appFxWebService.getAppFxWebServiceSoap12().codeTableEntryGetList(req); jComboBoxAddressType.removeAllItems(); for (int i = 0; i < reply.getRows().getR().size(); i++){ jComboBoxAddressType.addItem(reply.getRows().getR().get(i).getCode()); }
Note: You can also specify other options. See the following snippet from the Endpoint Reference.
<soap12:Body> <CodeTableEntryGetListRequest xmlns="Blackbaud.AppFx.WebService.API.1"> <CodeTableName>string</CodeTableName> <IncludeInactive>boolean</IncludeInactive> <RefreshCache>boolean</RefreshCache> <ReturnListSortMethod>boolean</ReturnListSortMethod> <UseCodeTableEntrySecurity>boolean</UseCodeTableEntrySecurity> </CodeTableEntryGetListRequest> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope>
Add ClientAppInfo to the request. The Infinity application requires information such as which database to use.
public CodeTableExampleJFrame() { initComponents(); _clientAppInfoHeader.setREDatabaseToUse("BBInfinity"); req.setCodeTableName("ADDRESSTYPECODE"); req.setClientAppInfo(_clientAppInfoHeader); reply = _appFxWebService.getAppFxWebServiceSoap12().codeTableEntryGetList(req); jComboBoxAddressType.removeAllItems(); for (int i = 0; i < reply.getRows().getR().size(); i++){ jComboBoxAddressType.addItem(reply.getRows().getR().get(i).getCode()); }
Invoke the request.
public CodeTableExampleJFrame() { initComponents(); _clientAppInfoHeader.setREDatabaseToUse("BBInfinity"); req.setCodeTableName("ADDRESSTYPECODE"); req.setClientAppInfo(_clientAppInfoHeader); reply = _appFxWebService.getAppFxWebServiceSoap12().codeTableEntryGetList(req); jComboBoxAddressType.removeAllItems(); for (int i = 0; i < reply.getRows().getR().size(); i++){ jComboBoxAddressType.addItem(reply.getRows().getR().get(i).getCode()); }
Step 8 - Populate the combo box with the list from the reply.
public CodeTableExampleJFrame() {
reply =
for (int i = 0; i < reply.getRows().getR().size(); i++){