Website Explorer

(Folder Author or Manager)

Website Explorer is a folder-based structure with its own tools. It is available to folder Authors or Managers for their assigned folders. A Website Administrator must also be a folder Author or Manager in one or more folders to use Website Explorer. Depending on your role, you can:

  • Navigate and manage Web site content

  • Manage folder structure and navigation

  • Search content

  • Create and delete folders

  • Create, edit, and manage folder items

  • Define folder properties

  • Manage folder permissions

Folders where you have no assigned folder role are marked as forbidden.

Folders with restricted read-access by site visitors are marked by a lock. To restrict read-access, you set Visitor access to None instead of Reader in Folder Permissions. You can then give Reader access to other non-administrative groups.

Initially, Website Explorer only shows a single folder. This is your root (or Home) folder. The root folder name is equivalent to the name of the host, or Web site, that you are working in. Once you begin adding folders to your site, the new folders appear in a hierarchy under the root folder. These folders represent the physical location of the pages of your site.

When you select a folder in the left pane, its contents display in the right pane, including sub-folders and individual content items such as Web pages. Therefore, if you select the root folder of a Web site, all site content displays in the right pane. In List View, items display detailed information such as Title, File Name, and Last Modified Date.