StoryBuilder Multiple Locale Support

In StoryBuilder, the locale for each article created through the Administrator interface is assigned in its configuration attributes. You must create a separate article in each locale and select the locale from the Locale drop-down in the configuration flow.

When constituents create articles, the locale is automatically set to the preferred locale of the constituent or the site default if no preferred locale is set.

Using the StoryBuilder Headline block (in place of the content block) on a PageBuilder page, you can display a set of articles created for a specific locale on a site page. You can insert multiple StoryBuilder Headline blocks on a page to display sets of articles for different locales (for example, a French Canadian block of articles and a French English block of articles).

When the site option, NEWS2_ARTICLE_SEARCH_LIMIT_TO_LOCALE, is set to TRUE, constituent searches will return only the articles configured for the preferred locale of the constituent as well as any articles not set to a specific locale. This site option is set to FALSE by default, which means that searches will return articles set to all locales.

If RSS Feeds have been enabled on the site, you can insert the Content RSS component into a page and select to show only those feeds that match the preferred locale of the constituent viewing the page.