Email delivery failures
From AI Acknowledgements, Review email delivery failures, you can view acknowledgements that were not sent because an error occurred during delivery. Each item in the list displays the reason for the delivery failure along with the contents of the acknowledgement.
For each item in the list:
To ensure that the gift's acknowledgement status is accurate, change the Acknowledgement status on the associated gift record to Needs acknowledgement. For more information, see Edit acknowledgement or receipt information.
Tip: You may also want to edit the associated action on the constituent's record to reflect that the acknowledgement failed. For more information, see Edit an action.
Review the error message under Failure Info, Error Type. information on error messsage meanings, see Bounced Email.
Tip: You may need to update the constituent's record before you retry sending the acknowledgement. For example, if the error indicates that the domain doesn't exist, check the spelling of the email address
Select Mark as reviewed to remove the item.
To resend the AI acknowledgement, you must do so from the gift record, as the failed acknowledgement is not returned to the Acknowledgements to review list. For more information see .