Actions Analysis Filters
When you analyze the progress of your fundraisers' action in
To analyze actions based on their channel — such as Email or Phone call — or intent, choose the categories of actions to include in the Action category filter and select Apply. For more information about the available categories, see Action Categories and Types.
Note: If you deselect both Phone Call and Meeting, the High value and Valuable actions metric has no analysis.
To help describe actions, your organization may configure
To analyze tasks and interactions based on whether their assigned fundraisers completed them, choose whether to include completed — true — or open — false— actions (or both!) in the Action completed filter and select Apply.
To track the progress of tasks and interactions, fundraisers can select an action's status to indicate whether it's completed or past due. To analyze tasks and interactions based on this detail, choose the status of the actions to include in the Action status filter and select Apply.
Completed — Actions finished by their fundraisers, either on time or past their due date.
Past due — Actions that are still open and past their due date.
Note: If you deselect both Completed and Past due, the Actions by status metric has no analysis.
To analyze tasks and interactions based on when they're performed, choose the date range of the actions to include in the Action date filter and select Apply.
To use a calendar to choose the number of days worth of actions to include, such as three weeks or four months, select the start and end dates in the From and To fields.
Tip: When you save a view with the Action date filter, you can analyze actions during a set number of days from whenever you view the metrics. For more information, see Saved Views of Dashboards.
To help ensure your actions succeed, we recommend you assign them to fundraisers to manage their activity. To analyze only actions assigned to specific fundraisers, choose who to include in the Action assigned to filter and select Apply.
Constituent codes define the high-level affiliations constituent have with your organization, such as Board member, Vendor, or Volunteer. To analyze actions based on their constituents' affiliations, choose the codes to include in the Constituent code filter and select Apply.
These filters are cumulative, so imagine an "and" between each. For example, if you specify both a status and an assigned fundraiser, you can analyze actions assigned to you that are past their due date.
Tip: To reuse frequent filter selections, save their view to easily apply them in the future. For more information, see Saved Views of Dashboards.
Note: Each filter includes up to 500 options. If you select Select all, you include all options, not just the first 500. You can also search for and select an option not in the first 500.