Appeal Overview
At the top of an appeal's record, the overview section provides pertinent details, including its description, ID, dates, and other information.
To quickly identify an appeal, its description appears as the full name at the top of its record. This description also identifies the appeal — and links to its record — throughout Raiser's Edge NXT.
Tip: In the database view, you can manage a fund's description on the General tab of its record.
Under the description, Inactive appears when the appeal has been marked as inactive, such as to retain its history when no longer in use.
Tip: To mark an appeal as inactive, select Appeal is inactive on the General tab of its record in the database view.
To help identify appeal records, your organization assigns unique identifiers when you add them. In the ID field, you can view the record's assigned identifier.
Tip: In the database view, you can manage an appeal's ID on the General tab of its record.
To track the duration of the appeal you can assign its start and end dates.
If the appeal has both a start and end date, the date range appears in the Dates field.
If the appeal has only a start or end date, it appears in the Starts or Ends field.
Tip: In the database view, you can manage an appeal's start and end dates on the General tab of its record.
To group like appeals together, you can assign them a category. For example, if your organization runs several appeals each year, you can assign them a category of Annual. In the Category field, you can view the appeal's category. For more information, see Campaign, Fund, and Appeal Categories.
To help track special details about the appeal, you can view a note to quickly summarize information you find valuable, such as its purpose or history.
Tip: In the database view, you can manage an appeal's notes on the General tab of its record.
With the Revenue amount, you can quickly view how much the appeal acquired.
Tip: With the Revenue type filter, you can choose whether to include revenue received through cash-in-hand giving or committed through pledges and matching gifts. For more information, see Revenue and Recognition.
To view a list of gifts the appeal acquires, select the amount. For further analysis, select Create list to open the list in Lists, where you can apply additional filters, choose columns, and save for future reuse. For more information, see Lists.
To help track the effectiveness of a solicitation, your organization may set an overall goal to raise toward an appeal. At the top of an appeal's record, you can quickly track its goal compared to its revenue.
Goal amount — The target amount to raise through the appeal.
Tip: In the database view, you can manage an appeal's overall goal on the General tab of its record.
Progress to goal — The percentage of the appeal's goal raised (so far) through its revenue received.
Tip: With the Revenue type filter, you can choose whether to include revenue received through cash-in-hand giving or committed through pledges and matching gifts. For more information, see Revenue and Recognition.
Tip: Set achievable goals. If an appeal struggles to meet its goal, make sure the target amount is realistic. For other recommendations, see Appeals Best Practices.