Custom Fields
While records provide many fields to track specific information, you may want to store other details. For example, on a constituent's record, you may want to save their dietary preferences or interests. To track this specialized information, use custom fields.

On a record, you can view this specialized information under Custom fields. When you create a custom field — or "attribute" — in the database view, you add its name — or "category" — and specify the type of information — or "value" — it collects, such as dates, text entries, or Yes/No responses.
To view custom fields for a list of constituents or gifts, select Choose columns and choose which details to include.
Note: For security reasons, your organization may limit access to information about some constituents. When a custom field includes a constituent you don't have rights to, their name appears as Someone restricted. For more information, see Record Security.

To add a custom field to the record of a constituent, gift, opportunity, action, campaign, fund, or appeal:
Select Add under Custom fields.
In the Category field, choose the custom field to add.
In the Value field, specify the information to save.
Choose when to apply the information to the record.
In the Comment field, enter any additional notes or description about the information.
Select Save.
Tip: Don’t see this option? Contact your system admin for rights to make this type of change.

To edit the details of a custom field, such as the type of information it collects, select Edit from its menu under Custom fields on its record, adjust its information as necessary, and select Save.
Tip: Don’t see this option? Contact your system admin for rights to make this type of change.

To remove a custom field from a record — such as if you inadvertently add it to the wrong constituent — you can delete it. To delete a custom field, select Delete from its menu under Custom fields and then select Delete.
Tip: Don’t see this option? Contact your system admin for rights to make this type of change.
Tip: When you delete a custom field, you permanently remove it from the record. To remove a custom field from the list of options under Custom fields, delete it in Attributes from Configuration in the database view.
Note: In the database view, custom fields are called attributes, and you can configure them in Attributes from Configuration. After you configure an attribute or custom field, you can add it to records and save its values.