Social Media Best Practices
A majority of adults have a social media presence, so sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can provide an important link to your constituent. On a constituent record, you can view where to find a constituent online under Contact information. To enhance fundraising efforts and constituent interactions, we recommend your organization also develop an online presence with profile pages on social networking sites. When constituents like, follow, or connect with your page, you can communicate with them directly to develop

Use social media to build trust with constituents and move them toward advocacy. If you post stories that inspire, inform, and entertain your followers, they're likely to share your message with others and generate good word-of-mouth marketing.

To refer social media followers to your organization's website, include the web address in your profile information and post stories that link back to your site.
Tip: To help drive Facebook friends to a donation page on your website, add a Donate Now button to your profile page.

Post contests, petitions, and tips that encourage followers to provide their email addresses. To increase volunteerism, use social media to recognize your volunteers and share photos of past volunteer opportunities.
Tip: For more best practices, strike up a conversation in the Community or search for social media classes in BlackbaudU.