Get Started with Hyperlink Parameters

Parameters let you pass designations, appeals, and campaigns through a donation form without adding them to the form's configuration. For example, if there are too many designations to add to a form, insert the parameter into the hosted URL for each designation you want to pass through the form.

The parameters you can add to the end of the form's URL are,

  • desid for the designation ID.

  • desname for the name of the designation. This is helpful if you want a donor-friendly designation name on the form. Otherwise, the designation won't be visible to donors.

  • appealid for the appeal ID.

  • campaignid for the campaign ID.

Find IDs

To find the ID of each parameter, navigate to Tools, Donation form designer.

Add parameter to a form's hosted URL

Donation forms have hosted URLs you can use to direct donors to your forms if you are unable to host them on your organization's website. To add a parameter, navigate to Tools, Donation form designer .

  1. From All donation forms, select the form.

  2. Under Publish, select Launch form from its URL and copy the URL.

  3. Associate the form with the parameters,

    • For a designation, add &desid=ID to the end of the URL. Replace "ID" with the designation's ID. For example,

      Tip: To display the designation's name on a donation form, add &desname=Name after &desid=ID. Replace "Name" with the appropriate name for the designation. For example, General Fund. The designation name isn't associated with the gift, but it lets you to use donor-friendly names when your designations have a naming convention, such as 2023-GenFund. Additionally, if the name you use has spaces those are automatically replaced with %20 when you use the URL.

    • For an appeal, add appealid=ID to the end of the URL. Replace "ID" with the appeal's ID. For example,

    • For a campaign, add campaignid to the end of the URL of a Standard Donation Form. Replace "ID" with the campaign's ID. For example,

      Note: Campaigns are only available if you use Raiser's Edge NXT.

  4. Paste the HTML in your content's HTML editor.