
Participants are the constituents who engage with your organisation through the events you host, such as fundraisers or musical performances. Typically, you add individuals as participants to track their attendance. You can also add organisations if you need to associate other participants — such as employees — with their records. In the web view, participants can include constituents who receive invitations or register for the event.

Note: In future releases, the web view will also include other types of participants such as sponsors and volunteers.

From an event record, under Participants, you can easily compare invitations and responses before an event to the actual turnout afterward. You can also identify possible duplicate, new, and matched records from online registrations. Each total opens a pre-filtered list of participants you can use to follow up, such as to send reminders.

Note: To help track information and build relationships, participants you enter from the web view must have constituent records. To include individuals who aren’t constituents, add them as guests of participants. For more information, see Hosts and Guests.

Under Participants, you can also open the list of participants to view and manage the individuals and organisations involved in the event.

Note: For information about how to manage participation levels, see Events Settings.