Event Details
On an event's record, under Details, you can view information about the event including its venue, how much you plan to raise, and how many people the venue allows.
In the Lookup ID field, you can manage the custom identifier for the event’s record in the database. Use this to ensure you have the correct event, such as when you host multiple events with similar names.
In addition to the custom identifier your organization adds, every event includes a system identifier — sometimes known as the primary key — that’s available through SkyAPI.
Note: In the database view, you can add a lookup ID in the ID field on the General tab of an event’s record.
In the Category field, you can manage how your organization groups the event, such as golf tournament or annual fundraiser.
In the Event goal field, you can manage how much you plan to raise from the event.
In the Capacity field, you can manage how many people your venue allows.
In the Location field, you can view the address where you’re hosting the event. If the address is exact, you can also view a map — powered by Microsoft Bing — of the location.
Note: In the database view, you can manage the event's location on the General tab of its record.
Under Details, you can also manage the information about the event.
From the event's record, select Edit under Details.
Under ID, change the identification number of the event’s record in the database as necessary.
Under Category, choose how your organization groups the event, such as golf tournament or annual fundraiser.
Note: You set event categories in web view under Events, Events settings . You can configure categories as event types in theEvent type category in Tables.
To change how many people your venue allows, update the number under Capacity.
Note: In the database view, you can manage the event's location on the General tab of its record.
Under Event goal, change how much you plan to raise from the event.
Select Save.
Tip: Additional event details are available in other areas of event records. For example, to edit the email confirmation for a registration form, open the form under Online registration forms and select Confirmations in the form designer.
Tip: In the database view, you can manage the event’s details on the General tab of the event’s record.