Participant Options
To help track custom information about participants, such as t-shirt sizes, meal preferences, and seating requests, you can add fields — known as participant options — to collect details that are specific to each event. Participant options provide flexibility because you can gather different information for the same option in various events. For example, create meal preference fields with different food choices in each dinner event you host.
Note: Participant options are like custom fields, but they’re not the same. With custom fields, you use the same field and the same options for different events. With participant options, you add new fields and values for each event. In a future release, you’ll be able to copy an event and reuse options that are the same for the new event. For more information, see Custom Fields.
From an event's record, under Participant options, add and manage the fields and their values. For each option, you can also view how many participants responded to each value. To view who selected a value, such as to distribute t-shirts, select the number of responses under the option’s name.
On the event's record, select Add option under Participant options.
In the Option name field, enter text that describes what information to collect with the field.
In the Input type field, choose how to collect the information.
If you choose List, enter the values to include as options for the field. Next, drag and drop the values to put them in the order they should appear for online registration forms. Select Multi-select to allow more than one of the values on a participant’s record.
Tip: Don't see Online registration forms? No need to worry. If all goes well based on feedback and usage, expect its wider release in a future update.
Select Save.
On the event's record, select Copy options from another event under Participant options.
Search for an event to copy its participant option fields.
Select Copy.
You can change the name of a participant option, or update the names and values of an option, from an event record under Participant options. From the option’s menu , select Edit, adjust the information as necessary, and select Save.
Note: You can only remove the values for options if the values aren’t associated with participants.
If a participant option isn’t associated with any participants, you can remove it from the event. From an event record, under Participant options, select Delete from the option’s menu .
After you set the options, add them to the online registration form and then manage responses from participant records.
On an event’s record, under Online registration forms, add or edit a form. Under Form, Form designer, select Registrant details from Build and choose the options to add to the form. For each option, set whether to require the field. For more information, see Registrant Details.
After participants complete the form, the options and the values they select appear on their records under Participant options.
Tip: Don't see Online registration forms? No need to worry. If all goes well based on feedback and usage, expect its wider release in a future update.
You can add or edit custom information about a participant or guest from the participant list, their record, or the record of another person in their party.
From the participant list, select Manage participant options from the menu of a participant or guest, select the options and their values, and select Save.
From a participant or guest's record, under Participant options, select Add option, select the options and their values, and select Save.
To manage participant options for members of a party, open a record for any of the participants or guests. Under Party information, select Manage participant options from the menu next to the participant to update. Next, select the options and their values and select Save.
You can change the response to a participant option — such as if a person calls to change their meal preference — from a participant’s record under Participant options. From the option’s menu , select Edit, adjust the information as necessary, and select Save.
If you inadvertently enter a response for a participant, you can remove it. From the participant’s record, under Participant options, select Delete from the option’s menu .
Note: Participant options are only available in web view.