Edit Registrant Selector
To reduce the number of times registrants enter contact information as they complete forms, they can indicate when they are signing the same person up for additional registration fees or add-ons.
For example, a person registers a foursome for a golf tournament. They can select Use a previous registrant to select from a list of those four names if they also need to register the group for dinner after the tournament.
Note: If a registrant selects more than one registration fee associated with a participation level, Raiser's Edge NXT saves the participation level from the first fee listed on the form to their record.
To edit the registrant selector fields:
Hover over the registrant selection section on the form and select Click to edit.
If necessary, edit the text to describe new and previous registrants. Under Preview, review how your changes will appear on the form.
Note: If you selected Allow unnamed guests under Getting started, you can also change the text to describe anonymous registrations.
Select Done.