Fee Coverage
To help you raise more, configure your registration and donation forms for a fee coverage option.
Donor cover — Donor cover lets donors cover the processing fee so 100% of their donation goes directly to you. We’ll automatically calculate the fee for each transaction and add it to the gift amount. The full amount is tax-deductible. For information on how the fee is calculated, see this Knowledgebase article.
Complete Cover — Complete Cover™ lets Blackbaud pay the fee for each transaction up to $3,000. In exchange, we ask the supporter to give toward Blackbaud’s service, which eliminates your processing fee.You're responsible for paying the fee for each transaction equal to or greater than $3,000 through a Complete Cover-enabled form.
Tip: To help offset fees for ineligible transactions, donor cover may display for Complete Cover-enabled Optimized forms. The amount toward fees is allocated to the forms's default fund unless you specify a separate designation from Settings in Online Giving.
To assume responsibility for all related fees and hide the option for supporters to contribute towards operating costs, select My organization pays on your forms. For more information about the costs, see Blackbaud Merchant Services Processing Fees.
Supported Payment Methods
Standard Donation Form | Registration Form | Optimized Donation Form (USD only) | |
Credit card: One-time |
Credit card: Recurring |
Direct debit: ACH one-time |
Direct debit: ACH recurring |
Apple Pay: One-time |
Standalone form only |
Apple Pay: Recurring | |||
Google Pay: One-time |
Google Pay: Recurring | |||
PayPal and Venmo (USD only): One-time with donor cover |