Import JustGiving Gifts
No data about fundraising pages or gifts created in JustGiving prior to the initial synchronization or during a paused period flows to Raiser's Edge NXT. However, you can run a report in JustGiving to determine which gifts did not synchronize over, and then import that data manually into Raiser's Edge NXT.
Tip: We recommend you do this monthly to ensure all donations are synchronized, because you may continue to receive new gifts through fundraising pages that were created prior to the initial synchronization or during a paused period.
Warning: When you import, don't use another other import tool, such as Blackbaud Links, to import from JustGiving as this could lead to duplicate gift records in Raiser's Edge NXT.
In JustGiving, generate a payments report.
Identify the start date of your initial synchronization, or the period in which the synchronization was paused.
Tip: In Control Panel, Settings, JustGiving Integration, you can review the start of your initial synchronization, or the period in which the synchronization was paused.
Using Page created date, filter the report to donations made to fundraising pages created prior to your initial synchronization or during the paused period. This is the list of donations to import into Raiser's Edge NXT.
In database view, in Import from Admin, import the donations file. For more information, see Import Tutorial.