Giving indicators
Giving indicators, which appears under Wealth, include a prospect's estimated net worth and total confirmed assets. The factors include:
Wealth attributes
Wealth attributes are defined as follows:
Note: Some wealth attributes may not be available for certain prospects.
Estimated annual income: Provides the projected income for the next 12 months based on known data and analytics for the individual or household if individual income is unavailable.
Estimated invested assets: Provides the projected total liquid assets based on known data and analytics for the individual or household if individual assets are unavailable.
Estimated net worth: Provides the projected net worth based on known data and analytics for the individual or household if individual income is unavailable.
Estimated discretionary spending: Provides the projected discretionary spending the household has available and is prepared to spend in the next 12 months.
Estimated donor category: Provides the estimated donor category for the prospect. Donor categories, or personas, provide a different way of considering prospects and evaluating what approaches may work best for engaging them. For a description of the different donor categories, see Donor categories.
Estimated real estate assets and real estate holdings: Provides the estimated total real estate assets and holdings for the individual or household if individual information is unavailable.
A prospect's donor category also appears under Wealth. A donor category provides a different way of considering a prospect and evaluating what approaches may work best for engaging them. For more information, see Donor categories.