Qualified and unassigned prospects
Under Qualified and unassigned prospects, you can access candidates marked qualified for major giving, but who still need to be assigned to a fundraiser.
For each prospect in the list:
Select the prospect and use the following information to confirm the prospect's latest giving and wealth data aligns with your plans for cultivation.
Target gift range
Major giving likelihood
Giving indicators
Giving behavior
If the prospect still seems aligned with your cultivation plans, assign a fundraiser.
Fundraisers: to add the prospect to your portfolio, select Add to my portfolio.
Leadership: select Add fundraiser and either assign the prospect to yourself or select another person.
Note: Only fundraisers can be assigned to a prospect. Fundraisers must be set up as Raiser's Edge NXT users and marked as a fundraiser on their constituent record. For more information, see Fundraisers.
Select Finish review.
If the prospect no longer seems aligned with your cultivation plans, select Unmark as unqualified. The prospect is returned to the Untapped candidates list.
For more information, see Prospect Giving Indicators and Behaviors.