Form Settings
From Tools, Settings, Form Settings, you configure settings that apply globally to donation, or online registration forms. You can map types for email, address, phone, and constituent codes for constituent records that are created or updated through a form. You also set the privacy URL for all forms.
Email types describe the constituent's email address on their constituent record. You can apply an email type - such as Home or Work - to the email address that a constituent enters when they fill out a donation, or online registration form. To set the phone type, under Email mapping, select Update and choose an email type.
Note: You can manage available email address types from Phone Type in Tables. For more information, see Tables.
Address types describe the constituent's address on their constituent record. You can apply an address type — such as Home or Work — to the address that a constituent enters when they fill out a donation form or online registration form. To set the address type, under Address mapping, select Update and choose an address type.
You can also choose whether to mark new addresses as primary when existing constituents enter them through forms. For example, if your organization spells out words such as Street or Lane and a constituent enters an abbreviation, duplicate detection identifies the difference as a new address. To leave existing addresses that are properly formatted marked primary and save new addresses as additional information on constituent records, clear Mark new addresses for existing constituents as primary.
Tip: To help identify new addresses, use an address type specifically for online forms. For example, create a “for review” address type and set it under Address mapping. When you’re ready to review the addresses, create a query in database view based on the “for review” address type, and then update them as necessary.
Note: You can manage available address types from Address Type in Tables. For more information, see Tables.
Phone types describe constituent phone numbers on their constituent records. You can apply a phone type — such as Home or Work — to constituent records for phone numbers you capture from forms. Under Phone mapping, select Update, and choose a phone type.
Under NANP, select a phone type with a phone number format that follows the North American Numbering Plan (NANP).
Under Other, select a phone type without a phone number format for all countries that do not follow the NANP.
Note: You can manage available email address types from Phone Type in Tables. For more information, see Tables.
Constituent codes define the high-level affiliations constituent have with your organization, such as online donor. To help track constituents who give through donation forms, we recommend you set a constituent code for your donation forms. To set a constituent code, under Constituent code mapping, select Update and choose a constituent code. For more information, see Constituent Codes.
Note: You can manage available constituent codes from Constituent Codes in Tables. For more information, see Tables.
Tip: The constituent code mapping doesn't apply to online registration forms. To apply a constituent code to all new constituents created through a registration form, set it on the form. From an event record, under Online registration forms, edit an existing form or create a new one. Under Get Started, select Apply a constituent code to registrants. For more information, see Online Registration Form Get Started.
With Google Analytics you can collect data from your donation forms to create reports that provide insights for your organization.
First, create or use an existing Google Analytics 4 account that includes a property and a web data stream you can link to your donation forms. For example, create a property for your organization’s website and add a data stream for donation forms.
Note: A property represents an app and/or website, and a data stream is a flow of data from an end user touchpoint to Google Analytics.
Tip: For assistance finding the measurement ID, use the Google Analytics help documentation.
After you begin tracking data for your forms, Google Analytics automatically tracks events such as page views, session starts, and scrolls. It also tracks these custom events for donation forms:
form_submitted — Tracks when donors click the payment button on forms.
checkout_complete — Tracks when the Blackbaud Checkout window closes.
donation_complete — Tracks when gifts successfully process.
From Google Analytics reports, you can view all tracked events. Each custom donation form event includes a:
Category of donation_form.
Label with the name of the form.
Value for the gift amount.
Note: When a donor accesses a form from its URL rather than an embedded webpage, the page_ view event logs when the form and confirmation pages load. If the form redirects to a customized confirmation page, use Google Analytics to track those page views separately.
Tip: To determine how far donors get through the online giving process, use funnels in Google Analytics. Funnel reports help you find out how donors access your donation forms and how far they progress through to processing their payments.
A privacy policy informs site visitors of how their information is collected and used by your organization, and you are required to provide a URL to it. A link to your privacy policy can be displayed when configuring the consent options component in a donation form or online registration form. To set the URL, under Privacy Policy, select Update and enter the a valid web address.
Note: Only URLs with http:// and https:// are valid.