
Parameters let you pass designations, appeals, and campaigns through a donation form without adding them to the form's configuration. For example, if there are too many designations to add to a form, insert the parameter into the hosted URL for each designation you want to pass through the form.

The parameters you can add to the end of the form's URL are,

  • desid for the designation ID.

  • desname for the name of the designation. This is helpful if you want a donor-friendly designation name on the form. Otherwise, the designation won't be visible to donors.

  • appealid for the appeal ID.

  • campaignid for the campaign ID.

    Note: Campaigns are only available if you use Raiser's Edge NXT.

Find IDs

To find the ID of each parameter, navigate to Online Giving in the service menu.

Add parameter to a form's hosted URL

Donation forms have hosted URLs you can use to direct donors to your forms if you are unable to host them on your organization's website. To add a parameter, navigate to Online Giving in the solution menu.

Note: Designation name and campaign ID are only available for Standard Donation Forms.

  1. From All donation forms, select the form.

  2. Under Publish, select Launch form from its URL and copy the URL.

    Tip: For an Optimized Form, select Hosted URL.

  3. Associate the form with the parameters,

    • For a designation, add &desid=ID to the end of the URL. Replace "ID" with the designation's ID. For example,

      Tip: To display the designation's name on a donation form, add &desname=Name after &desid=ID. Replace "Name" with the appropriate name for the designation. For example, General Fund. The designation name isn't associated with the gift, but it lets you to use donor-friendly names when your designations have a naming convention, such as 2023-GenFund. Additionally, if the name you use has spaces those are automatically replaced with %20 when you use the URL.

    • For an appeal, add appealid=ID to the end of the URL. Replace "ID" with the appeal's ID. For example,

    • For a campaign, add campaignid to the end of the URL of a Standard Donation Form. Replace "ID" with the campaign's ID. For example,

      Note: Campaigns are only available if you use Raiser's Edge NXT.

  4. Paste the HTML in your content's HTML editor.

Add parameter to an Optimized Form's hyperlinks

After you have the IDs you need and the Optimized Loader Script is on your website, you can launch your form with a designation and appeal. To add a parameter, navigate to Online Giving in the service menu.