California Assembly Bill 488

Best practices while impacted by California Assembly Bill 488

Consistent with our legal obligation, transactions made through Blackbaud solutions by California donors to organizations that are not in "good standing" are no longer accepted from California residents. If your organization is not in “good standing”:

  • Consult your legal advisor for guidance.

  • Suppress California residents from your charitable email solicitations.

  • Some transactions, like donations, made through Blackbaud solutions from California residents will no longer be accepted.

All U.S. charitable organizations that operate or solicit donations in California must maintain "good standing" in California, even if they are organized elsewhere. For more information about the assembly bill or to check your status, see California Assembly Bill 488: Impact to Charitable Organizations.

Suppress California residents from upcoming email solicitations

While you work to reinstate your "good standing", you are prohibited from soliciting donations from California residents and Give Now is disabled for your school.

If you are utilizing Email Parents in Tuition Management to send donation solicitation emails, use the following steps to remove California residents from your recipients list:

  1. Select Reports, Static Reports.

  2. Under Enrollment, select School Roster, then Excel.

    Note: The School Roster report includes both Family IDs and address information. If you use an alternative report or method to create your recipient list, ensure you take the necessary steps to exclude California residents.

  3. Open the exported report in Microsoft Excel or a spreadsheet application of your choice. Your browser settings determine where the file is saved.

  4. Sort the report by the State column and remove the rows for recipients with California addresses.

  5. Edit the list of remaining recipients as needed.

  6. Delete all columns in the spreadsheet except Family ID.

  7. Change the "Family ID" column heading to "FamilyID".

  8. Save the spreadsheet.

  9. In Email Parents, select Upload List of Families And Students to upload the spreadsheet and follow the remaining steps to prepare and send your email.

Donor experience

While your organization is not in "good standing", Give Now is disabled and donors cannot access Give Now pages. Once your "good standing" is reinstated, Give Now is automatically re-enabled.

Note: Buy Now is not impacted by California Assembly Bill 488.