Communication History
You can use Communication History to view all communication between a family, the Parent Help Center, and your school. If there has been communication recorded for a family, you will have an option to Export to File. You can use this to export the information to Microsoft Excel. You can use the following steps to access Communication History:
From the Families menu, select View All Families.
Use the available filters to find the appropriate family.
Select the Family Name. This opens the Main Family Page.
Open the arrow menu
on the left side of the page, select More Options, and select Communication History.
You will see the following tabs:
Outbound Emails: This shows emails sent to the parents using Email Parents. You can select the subject of the email to view it. To learn more about sending emails to parents in bulk, see Send Communications to Parents in Bulk.
Inbound Calls: This shows calls received by the Parent Help Center for the family.
Outbound Calls: This shows followup service calls.
Note: Automated followup calls were discontinued on June 30, 2020, but past calls will still appear in communication history.
Invoices:This displays PDF files of a family's invoices.
Text Messages: This shows followup service text messages and Prior to Debit reminders.