Manage Fees
You can add new fees, edit existing ones, or remove unused fees.
From the Fees & Discounts menu, choose Manage Fees & Discounts.
You will land on Fees.
Select Add New Fee +.
Enter the following:
Fee Name (This field is required and cannot be duplicated.)
General Ledger ID (Optional.)
Project Code (Optional.)
Description (Optional. This will appear on invoices.)
Amount (This field is pre-filled if you apply fees from a family’s main page.)
Choose whether this fee should be applied per:
Applied once per family. -
Applied to particular student(s) in specific grade(s) or enrollment status.
Choose a Distribution Type:
1st Month
Fee is due in the 1st month of the payment plan -
Across Plan
Fee is distributed evenly throughout the payment plan -
Specific Months
Select the month or months to apply the fee toTip: Blackbaud Tuition Management recommends this option.
Across Tuition Months
Fee will be distributed evenly across only the months when tuition is collected
Select Save.
Note: Fees will be listed alphabetically by Fee Name.
Note: The shopping cart is only student-based.
From the Fees & Discounts menu, choose Manage Fees & Discounts.
Select Shopping Cart Fees.
Select Add New Shopping Cart Fee.
Enter the following:
Fee Name (This field is required and cannot be duplicated.)
General Ledger ID (Optional.)
Project Code (Optional.)
Description (This will appear on invoices.)
Amount (Required.)
Is this Quantity of this Item Limited or Unlimited? (Set a limit if you are selling an item with limited availability, such as tickets to an event.)
Apply Multiple Times (Determine if families can purchase the same item multiple times in a billing cycle.)
Shopping Cart Agreement (Only student-based.)
Determine if the Shopping Cart will be on or off:
Available on the Parent Site for families to purchase as an optional item -
Unavailable on the Parent Site
Choose whether this fee should be applied per:
Applied once per family. -
Applied to particular student(s) in specific grade(s) or enrollment status.
Note: If a fee needs to be applied to both families and students, you must create two separate fees with different names.
Choose a Distribution Type:
1st Month
Fee is due in the 1st month of the payment plan -
Across Plan
Fee is distributed evenly throughout the payment plan -
Specific Months
Select the month or months to apply the fee to
Select Save.
To add an enrollment fee, please contact Support.
From the Fees & Discounts menu, choose Manage Fees and Discounts.
Choose the appropriate tab.
Select Edit next to the fee.
Edit the necessary fields.
Select Save.
Note: Only fees which have not been applied to families can be edited.
From the Fees & Discounts menu, choose Manage Fees & Discounts.
Choose the appropriate tab.
Select Remove next to the fee.
The fee will be deactivated.
Removed Fees and Discounts can be reactivated from the In-Active tab.
From the Fees & Discounts menu, choose Manage Fees & Discounts.
Choose the appropriate tab.
Select In-Active.
Select Reactivate for the appropriate fee.