Static Reports help you manage tuition payments. Find them by selecting Reports from the main menu. They are organized into 5 categories:
Hover over any report for a quick description of the information it provides.
Tip: Move any reports you don't use to Unused Reports, making it easier to find what you need.
Select Reports.
Select the report to run.
Enter any requested parameters.
Choose to generate the report as a PDF or an Excel spreadsheet.
The report will download to your computer.
Your favorite reports will be listed at the top of the page for faster access.
Select Reports from the main menu.
Select the title of the report you wish to favorite and drag it to Favorite Reports.
Click and drag favorite reports to reorder them.
Note: Reports that can be scheduled will have a calendar icon.
Select Reports from the main menu.
Select the title of the report you wish to schedule and drag it to Scheduled Reports.
Enter the Email Recipient.
Add the scheduled dates.
If the report should be run only on a specific date(s), choose the dates and select Add Date To List.
If the report has a repeating schedule of when it is run, choose from the Add New Repeating Schedule options to create a pattern and then select Add Scheduled Dates To List.
If the report should only run when there is activity to include in the report, select Upon Activity.
Select Save Changes.