Add Application Users to Altru

Application users are the individual users of your system. When you add users, you assign them to specific system roles to determine the tasks and areas of the application they can access. An email invitation is sent to new users to invite them to create log-in credentials.

Tip: We recommend that you create a unique user account for each Altru user. For example, do not create one account that all ticket sellers share. If you must create a shared user account, make sure to use a shared email address for the login.

Add an application user

  1. From the Application Users page in Administration, click Add.

  2. On the Add an application user screen , enter the user's name and email address.

  3. In the Linked constituent field, you can link the user to a constituent record to track information about the user's activities as a constituent, such as a fundraiser or board member.

  4. In the Roles grid, select each role you want to assign to the user. For more information about system roles, see System Roles.

  5. Click Save & Invite. An email is sent to invite the user to confirm their single sign-on account for Altru.

  6. The invited user must confirm the email address and sign in with their Blackbaud ID account. If the user does not have a Blackbaud ID, they can create one from the sign-in screen.

  7. Use the Status column on the Application Users page to monitor the status of invitations. You can also resend an invitation, if necessary.

    Note: To provide users with access to resources on, site administrators will need to add users to their Blackbaud site account. For more information, see Add Users to your Blackbaud Site Account.