Install Infinity > Reset Database Encryption

Reset Database Encryption

After you restore the database, you must reset the database encryption. One way to do this is to drop the existing encryption key and then to create a new one by running the following SQL statement.

For Microsoft's guidance about how to reset database encryption, see SQL Server and Database Encryption Keys (Database Engine).

Note: Replace 'YourPassword' in the SQL statement below with your existing encryption key. The key must be at least eight characters and contain at least three of the following character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and non-alphanumeric characters such as “!,” “@,” and “#.”

drop symmetric key sym_BBInfinity;

drop asymmetric key asym_BBInfinity

drop master key


create master key encryption by password = 'YourPassword'


create asymmetric key asym_BBInfinity with algorithm =RSA_1024;


create symmetric key sym_BBInfinity with algorithm = AES_256

encryption by asymmetric key asym_BBInfinity;


-- Grant the Infinity platform rights to the new key

grant view definition on symmetric key::sym_BBInfinity to BBAPPFXSERVICEROLE;