Special Tables and Entries
Raiser's Edge NXT includes tables for all fields in your database by default. Most tables only require you to enter a description for an entry. Entries for special tables, including awards, benefits, donor category, phone, and ratings, require additional details.
If you have the optional Volunteer Management module, the Awards table is available. You can use awards table entries to define awards you give to volunteers based on the amount of time they donate to your organization.
You can use benefit table entries to track different premiums, such as tote bags or coffee mugs, your organization gives to constituents based on their giving response to an appeal, or — if you have the optional Membership Management or Event Management modules — as a reward for purchasing a membership or attending an event. In addition to a description of the benefit, you must enter its cost.
Note: When you edit a benefits table entry, unit cost for benefits already assigned to an appeal or membership aren't affected.
With donor category tables, you can create and name your own tables to reflect different cumulative giving award categories for your donors and set a minimum amount a donor must give to become a member of this category. For example, you can create a donor category called "Major Donors" and for that table, create entries for "VIP" with a minimum cumulative giving amount of $10,000, "Benefactor" with a minimum amount of $5,000, and so on.
Note: In the database view, you can run a Donor Category report to evaluate your donor levels. For example, you can see how many of your donors fall into the "VIP" category with gifts totaling at least $10,000. For more information, see the Reports Guide.
Phone type entries contain fields for phone number types and formats. For example, you can create phone number entries for "Home" and "Business" with a format of "#(###)###-#### Ext ####."
Tip: All the formats contain spaces for extensions. Because home phone numbers usually don't contain extensions, the database view formats numbers according to the number of digits you enter.
Note: Phone type entries also contain fields for email address and link types. When you add email address and link types, you don't select a format.
To help keep your data clean and accurate, Raiser's Edge NXT automatically applies globally-accepted, country-specific formats provided by Google to phone numbers on constituent records in the web view. If a phone number is not valid for your country, it uses a default international format. If Raiser's Edge NXT can't identify the proper format, the phone number appears as configured in Control panel, Tables.
From the phone type table, you can also add entries for email addresses and links. When you add these types of entries,
If you have the optional Prospect Research Management module, you can use ratings tables to define data types for new entries. Typically, ratings table entries are used in conjunction with outside ratings companies for prospect research. For example, you might create a table based on how much a prospect is likely to give, and choose a data type of currency to create entries for the table.
For each special table type, define entries and include details that are specific to it.
From Control panel, Tables, select View from the menu of an awards, benefits, donor category, phone types, or ratings table.
Select New entry and enter a description up to 50 characters.
Note: With the exception of the Suffixes table, tables can't begin or end with a space. Raiser's Edge NXT automatically removes any leading or trailing spaces if you include them with an entry.
Enter additional information.
Awards — For Minimum service hours, enter the number of hours required to qualify for the award.
Benefits — For Unit cost, enter how much the item costs your organization.
Donor category — For Minimum amount, enter how much a donor needs to give to qualify for the entry. For example, if the donor category is "Major Donors" and this entry is for "VIP" donors, the minimum cumulative giving amount might be $10,000 while another entry for "Benefactor" might be $5,000.
Phone types — For Phone number type and Phone number format, select the phone type and how it will appear throughout the program.
Ratings — For Data type, select the type of data the entry represents. For example, choose a data type of currency for an entry if the table is based on how much a prospect is likely to give.
To make an entry unavailable for use, select Inactive.
Select Save.