To enable people at your organization to use features in Raiser's Edge NXT and help secure sensitive information, admins can set security rights in both the web view and database view. A user's access to features and data is secured by both their security group in the database view and their role in the web view.
A user's security group in the database view secures their access to features and information in both the web view and database view.
A user's role in the web view secures their access to web view features, such as Lists or attachments for campaigns, funds, or appeals.
To limit the features users can access in the web view, admins can set up rights based on role. In Control Panel, Roles, choose which web view features — such as for fundraising or in Marketing or Analysis — each user's roles can access. In addition to roles, you also choose which security group in the database view applies to each user to limit their access to records, information, and database view features. For more information, see Role-based Security.
To limit the information users can access throughout Raiser's Edge NXT, admins can set security groups' privileges in the database view to:
Choose which records and information users can view or manage in both the database view and web view, such as on records and lists.
Limit access to specific gift or constituent records based on selected criteria, such as fund or constituent code.
To manage a security group's access to records and information:
In the database view, select Admin, Security.
From the tree-view, choose the security group, and select Open.
To limit the group's access to specific types of records or information in the database view:
Under Group Privileges, select Records and Options.
Under Record Types, select the types of records the group can access, such as Constituents, Gifts, or Funds.
For each selected record type, under Privileges, choose how much access the security group's members should have to information in the database view. For example, select Constituents and then choose whether the group should only view Address information or also add, edit, or delete it.
Select OK.
To further limit a group's access to specific constituents or gifts, such as to protect celebrities or major giving initiatives, secure records based on constituent code or fund. For more information, see Record Security.
Select Save and Close.
To limit the features users can access in the database view, admins can set security groups' privileges in the database view.
In the database view, select Admin, Security.
From the tree-view, choose the security group, and select Open.
Under Group Privileges, select which feature the group can access in the database view, such as Records, Query, and Code Tables.
For each feature, further define the group's access as necessary, such as to limit the type of information, reports, or batches it can view.
Select Save and Close.
Tip: To learn more, take the Basics of Security online training class from our Basics of Raiser’s Edge Learning Path.
Tip: For information about how to get started with Blackbaud's website and ID credentials, or to learn how to change a password, see Getting Started with Users and Admins FAQ.