Find the path to the LoadSpec executable. It is a part of the SDK folder for the Infinity SDK. For example, C:\SDK\Tools\LoadSpec.exe. For information about the Infinity SDK, see Developer Guides for Infinity.
In Visual Studio, from the Tools menu, click External Tools.
The External Tools screen appears.
Click Add. A new tool entry appears.
In the Title field, enter "&Load Spec." This determines how the menu item will appear in Tools.
Note: For UnloadSpec, enter "&Unload Spec" instead.
In the Command field, enter the path to the executable. For example, C:\SDK\Tools\LoadSpec.exe. This executable runs when you select the menu item determined in the Title field.
In the Arguments field, enter the following as one line:
Note: For a table of arguments and descriptions, see LoadSpec Arguments.
/s= followed by your SQL Server name. For example /s=MJHFX99\MSSQLSERVER2008R.
/db= followed by your database name. For example /db=Shelby.
/spec=$(ItemPath), which indicates the path to the spec of the file in the active window in Visual Studio.
/nodepends, which indicates to ignore dependencies
Note: For UnloadSpec, also enter /u to unload the current spec.
To display the results of the command, select Use Output window.
Click OK.