Batch Commit Status Page

When a batch is committed, the program automatically generates a commit status page for the batch. When the batch is committed to the database, the commit status page records and displays the settings selected when you run the commit process.

To access the commit status page of a batch, select the batch in the Committed batches grid and click Committed in the Status column.

Note: To return to the Batch Entry page, you can click the Batch entry link at the top of the batch commit status page.

Under Batch commit process parameters, the parameters of the batch committal appear. This information includes the batch number, information about its output selection and exception batch, and whether to delete the batch after committal. You enter this information when you commit the batch to the database.

Under Batch commit status, information about the committal process appears. This information includes the status of the commit process, the start and end times of the commit process, the user who ran the commit process, the total number of records processed, and how many of those records did and did not successfully commit to the database.



You are here: Overview > Administration > Batch Overview > Batch Entry > Committed Batches > Batch Commit Status Page