From the batch workflow record, you can define and manage the status values of the batch workflow and the steps used to transition a batch from one status to another.
Each batch template in your database can have a unique workflow. For example, in the workflow for a constituent batch, your organization may allow the batch to be committed directly from the data entry status. Or, your organization may require that the data entry of a batch be approved before committal.
To access a batch workflow record, in the Batch workflows grid, click the name of the workflow.
Note: To return to the Batch Workflows page, click Batch Workflows at the top of the record.
On the batch workflow record, the Step 1: Define status values used with the workflow grid lists the batch status values associated with the workflow. For each status, you can view whether or not it is the initial status of the workflow and whether or not users can edit and commit the data of a batch in that status. For more information about workflow statuses, see Add a Batch Workflow Status.
The Step 2: Define the steps used to transition a batch from on status to another grid displays the steps used to transition a batch from one status to another. For more information, see Add a Batch Workflow Step.