Configure Batch Workflows

On the Batch Workflows page, you manage the batch workflows used to create batch templates. The batch workflow determines the batch states the batch must complete before its records can commit to the database.

To access the Batch Workflows page, click Batch entry in Administration. From the Batch Entry page, click Batch workflows under Configuration.

The Batch workflows grid displays the batch workflows in your database. Once you create a batch workflow record, you then access the workflow record to specify batch statuses and the steps available for each status. After you create a workflow, you can then create a batch template. To access a workflow record, click the record's name in the grid. To edit or delete a workflow, click the double arrows next to a workflow to expand its row and display an action bar. From the action bar, click Edit or Delete.

Warning: When a batch workflow is associated with a batch template, you cannot delete the batch workflow until it is removed from use on the batch template.

Add a Batch Workflow

Edit a Batch Workflow

Delete a Batch Workflow

Batch Workflow Record



You are here: Overview > Administration > Batch Overview > Batch Configuration > Configure Batch Workflows