Commit Parameters Screen

The table below explains the items on the Commit parameters screen. For information about how to access this screen, see Commit a Batch.

Screen Item


Validate batch before committing

To validate the batch before you commit it to the database, select this checkbox.

When you select this, the program validates the batch when you click Start. When the batch validates, the program commits its records to the database. When the validation fails, a validation report appears so you can view the exceptions.

Check for duplicate constituents

To check for duplicate constituents during committal, select this checkbox. For more information about resolving duplicate constituents in a batch, see Resolve Duplicate Constituents in a Batch.

Delete batch after committing

To delete the batch file after you commit it to the database, select this checkbox. You may want to delete a batch to reduce the size of your database. Use caution with this option as deleting a batch is permanent.


When you select this checkbox, the Exception batch number field is enabled. Manually override and enter a number to help identify the exception batch. You can enter up to 100 characters in this field. The number of each exception batch must be unique.

Create control report

To create a control report after you commit the batch to the database, select this checkbox. The control report describes the committed batch and provides information about the records included in the batch.

Create output Selection

To create a query of all records in the batch that commit to the database, select this checkbox. When you select this checkbox, the Selection name field and Overwrite existing Selection checkbox are enabled.

Selection name

When you select Create output Selection, this field is enabled. Enter a name to help identify the query. You can enter up to 100 characters in this field.

Overwrite existing Selection

When you select Create output Selection, this checkbox is enabled. To overwrite an existing output selection query with the same name, select this checkbox.



You are here: Overview > Administration > Batch Overview > Batch Entry > Uncommitted Batches > Commit a Batch > Commit Parameters Screen