Uncommitted Batches

On the Uncommitted Batches tab, you can view and manage your batches that are available for data entry. In the Uncommitted batches grid, information about your uncommitted batches appears. This information includes the batch number, template, description, owner, status, date added, and category.

To limit the batches that appear in the grid to those of a specific type of data, use the filters that appear above the grid. In the Date range field, select the date range by which to filter the batches. You can select to display batches that were added during the last 7 days or last 30 days. You can also select to show only batches that contain exceptions. To clear the filter criteria, click Reset. Use the search field to search for specific batches using details of the batch, such as the batch template name or owner. Each column in the grid also includes its own set of filters. Click the filter icon in a column to display additional filters.

To receive notification of changes to the batches in the Uncommitted batches grid, you can subscribe to a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed that alerts you when uncommitted batches are assigned, rejected, or approved, depending on your organization’s batch workflow. To subscribe to the RSS feed, click More, View RSS feed.

When a batch is overdue in its current workflow status, a yellow caution symbol appears next to the batch number in the Batch number column.

Additional batch information appears in the details pane that expands directly beneath the batch you select. To view details, in the Uncommitted batches grid, click the double arrows next to a batch to expand its row.

For imported batches, the details pane includes a link to the import process that generated the batch. For exception batches, the details pane includes a link to the original batch in the batch chain. It also lists the exception types, which display as hyperlinks that allow you to correct the exceptions. In the case of duplicates, the exception type link takes you to the duplicate resolution screen. For other exception types, the link opens the batch with a filter applied to display only rows that contain the selected exception message.

Depending on the workflow status of the batch and your security rights and system role, you can perform many tasks to manage your uncommitted batches. When the batch completes its step in the workflow, you can update its status to the next status in the workflow or commit its records, depending on its current status.

When you commit a batch, you can create an exception batch, which contains all records that do not commit to the database. When you commit the exception batch, you can select to create another exception batch of any records that still do not commit to the database. Depending on the size of the original batch and the number of exceptions, you may generate several exception batches before you successfully commit all records from the original batch to the database. To view all batches related to an uncommitted batch, select the batch in the grid and click the batch number. The Batch Exception Chain page for the batch appears. For information about the items on this page, see Batch Exception Chain.

Add a Batch

Edit a Batch

Update a Batch to the Next Workflow Status

Commit a Batch

Delete an Uncommitted Batch



You are here: Overview > Administration > Batch Overview > Batch Entry > Uncommitted Batches