Edit a Batch

You can edit both the properties of a batch as well as the data in a batch.

You can change the properties of the batch from the Batch Entry page or batch data entry screen. You cannot, however, change the batch template selected to create the batch.

When the workflow status of the batch allows you to edit the records included in the batch, you can enter or update the data entry of the batch. In Batch entry, you enter the information for each record on a separate row of the spreadsheet, or batch, on the data entry screen. The batch template used to create the batch defines the fields that appear on the data entry screen. There is no limit to the number of records you can enter in a batch.

Warning: You can only edit a batch when its workflow status allows it.

Edit batch properties

Enter records in a batch



You are here: Overview > Administration > Batch Overview > Batch Entry > Uncommitted Batches > Edit a Batch