Obtain Prospect Wealth Information

You can manually enter any wealth information you obtain about a prospect. Manually entering data simply involves locating the Wealth and Ratings page for an existing or a new prospect.

Warning: The WealthPoint search option is available for only individual constituents, not organizations, groups, or households.

The Wealth summary grid on this page displays links to all wealth information available. To manually enter data in any wealth category, click the link. For example, if you have real estate information you want to record, click the Real estate link in the Assets column.

If you subscribe to WealthPoint, Blackbaud’s wealth screening solution, you can import WealthPoint data. When importing WealthPoint information, the system does not override any manually entered data you stored on a given prospect. For example, if you entered real estate information from Mark Adamson and real estate information is included in the WealthPoint import, whatever information you entered about Mr. Adamson remains intact after the import. This is also true of any information you manually edited or deleted.

If data is found in a WealthPoint update, the information displays in the Wealth summary grid of the Wealth and Ratings screen. The Assets rows display the total amount of wealth located for each asset. This amount displays in the Total identified column. If “$0” is recorded in this column, it means the service located data but an associated dollar amount did not exist.

Warning: The number of prospects included in any group you intend to update must be less than or equal to the number of searches remaining in your organization’s WealthPoint subscription.

Update individual prospect WealthPoint data

Warning: The WealthPoint search option is available for only individual constituents, not organizations, groups, or households.

There are couple ways to screen a prospect in ResearchPoint.

WealthPoint Searches



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