Add a phone number

  1. From the prospect’s Wealth and Ratings page, select the Biographical Information tab.

  2. In the Contact information section, click Add, Phone number. The Add a phone number screen appears.

  3. In the Type field, select the type of phone number to add, such as Home or Cell phone.

  4. In the Number field, enter the phone number for the constituent.

  5. In the Country field, select the country that uses the phone format you want to apply to this number.

  6. You can use Call after and Call before to specify times to use the phone number to indicate the constituent’s preferences, such as “call after 9:00 a.m.”

  7. You can use Start date to indicate when the number is valid.

  8. Only one phone number can be marked as the primary one. If the constituent has only one phone number, the Set as primary phone number checkbox is selected and disabled. If there are multiple phone numbers for the constituent and this is the primary number for the constituent, select this checkbox. This number will be marked as primary and the previous number will no longer be marked as primary.

  9. If the constituent requests that you not call the number, select Do not call this phone number.

  10. After you mark a number as “Do not call,” you can also select a reason to explain why the number is no longer to be used, such as “Donor preference.”

  11. If the constituent has a household relationship, the Copy phone number to household and members checkbox appears. To copy the number to the record of the constituent household and its members, select this checkbox.

  12. If the constituent requested that the phone is not to be shared with others outside your organization, select This phone number is confidential. When you mark a phone number as confidential, it is not excluded from reports or queries. A lock icon and the word “Confidential” appears with the number on the Contact tab so users know not to share the information.

  13. Under Seasonal information, enter the start date and end date to indicate when the seasonal information is valid.

  14. Under Phone source, you can select a source for the phone number information, as well as enter any comments. For example, if the spouse of a constituent lets you know about a new phone number, you can add the number and select “Family Member” for the information source.

  15. If the program automatically creates a phone number, it selects a default information source and may disable the field. For example, if the program creates a phone number based on a payment form that you create in Web, you cannot edit the default “Web Forms” information source.

  16. Click Save.



You are here: Overview > Need Help With Prospects? > Prospect Research Wealth Record > Biographical Information > Contact Information > Add Prospect Phone Number