Add a Research List

When you add a research list, you select the criteria you want used to build your group of constituents.

Or, if you would rather, you can also create your list from a selection that was created in Query.

Add a new research list

  1. From Prospects, in the Research Lists section, click Add. The Add research lists screen appears.

    Tip: You can also add a new research list from the Research Lists page.

  1. In the What is the criteria for creating your list? section, you can build your list based on biographical and wealth fields available in ResearchPoint. For a list of fields included with each option, see Research List Criteria Fields. This enables you to set rules as you go for which constituents you want to include in your list. No need to create a query in advance.

    You add criteria one at a time. To add criteria, select one of the categories.

  2. Then, choose which field in that category to search for and find constituent records that match your criteria. After you enter your parameters for the field, click OK. You return to the add research list screen and your criteria appears.

    With the red X and the pencil icons you can delete or edit if the parameters are wrong. Otherwise, continue to add as much criteria as you need.

  3. In the Do you need to further narrow your list? section, you can base your list on a group of records created in Query. Click the Selection Search icon to locate an existing selection.

    You can create your research list using a combination research list criteria and a query selection.

    Note: What is a selection? A selection is a set of records, generally produced from a dynamic or static query. You can choose to use an existing selection to narrow your research list, or use query to create a new selection of records to narrow down your list.

  4. Click the Calculate total prospects button at any time to see how many prospects satisfy your criteria. This can especially help you when you set criteria if you have a goal of how many prospects maximum should appear in your research list.

  5. In the Save options section, you must enter a name for your new list. The name appears in the Research Lists grid of the Research Lists page.

    Note: Depending on your user role in the system, some options may be grayed out.

  6. In the Description field, enter a description to help you identify the list. We recommend you summarize what criteria was used.

  7. The Owner field defaults to the current user. You can change this if you need to assign ownership to another user in your system.

  8. If your organization uses categories to help identify lists, such as Alumni, New Parents, etc., you can also assign a Category.
  9. Decide if you want to allow others to access and/or edit this list.

  10. To automatically update your research list to include new prospects satisfying your list criteria as they are added to your system, select Allow this list to be refreshed. You then determine how the list can be refreshed.

  11. Click Save. Your new research list appears for you to start researching!

Research List Criteria Fields



You are here: Overview > Need Help With Prospects? > Research Lists > Add a Research List