Add a batch numbering scheme
From the Batch page in Administration, click Batch entry. The Batch Entry page appears. |
Under Configuration, click Batch numbering schemes. The Batch Numbering Schemes page appears. |
On the action bar of the Batch numbering schemes grid, click Add. The Add a batch numbering scheme screen appears. |
In the Name field, enter a unique name to help identify the numbering scheme. For example, enter a name related to the type of batch that will be used with this numbering scheme. |
In the Type field, select how the batch number scheme will be created. |
Your choices are “Auto-generated” or “Manual.” When you select “Manual,” options under Batch number are disabled and you can only specify the exception identifier. When you create an "Auto-generated" numbering scheme, you define the batch identifier and date formats, and the order in which they appear. The program assigns batch numbers for new batches automatically.
Under Batch number, select whether to include a batch identifier and date for the automatically generated batch numbers. To include these elements, select the corresponding checkbox. |
In the Order column, select the order in which each selected element appears in the batch number. |
In the Details column, enter the default settings for each selected element. |
In the Next sequence field, enter the first number to use when the program starts to create batches with the numbering scheme. You can also select a separator to use between the batch elements. |
In the Leading zeroes field, select the number format for the batch number sequence. The program formats leading zeroes based on the number used in the next sequence. For example, if the next sequence is 99 and the leading zero format is 0#, the batch number is 100. The batch number is not restricted to two digits. The number of zeroes plus the # sign represent how many digits show initially. When the next sequence number does not contain as many digits, leading zeroes are used. The leading zeroes format does not restrict the sequence to a specific number of digits; it simply requires a minimum number of digits. |
When you select to include a batch identifier in the batch number, in the Batch identifier field, enter the text to appear in batch numbers generated with the scheme. You can also select a separator to use between the batch elements. |
When you select to include the batch creation date in the batch number, in the Date field, select the format for the date such as MM-DD-YY. You can also select a separator to use between the batch elements. |
Under Exception batches, select the type of batch number to assign to exception batches that are generated when you commit batches. |
To use the selected numbering scheme to generate a new batch number for the exception batches, select Use the next available batch number. |
To use the number assigned to the original batch with a sequential number to indicate its order in exception batches generated from the batch, select Use the original batch number and append an exception sequence. For example, when you select this option, the number of the second exception batch generated when you commit a batch is the original batch number followed by “2.” |
To use a label to specify an exception batch, enter a number in the Exception identifier field. This appears between the original batch number and the number of the exception batch.
Keep in mind, the separator for the last field in the batch number applies to the exception batch number for the auto-generated numbering schemes.
Note: Before you save the numbering scheme, we recommend you verify that batch numbers are formatted correctly in the preview fields.
Click Save. You return to the Batch Numbering Schemes page. The new numbering scheme now displays in the Batch numbering schemes grid. |